In the pursuit of sustainable energy solutions, the combination of cutting-edge GIS technology and environmental stewardship has become a defining factor. Platte River Analytics, at the forefront of this intersection, is revolutionizing the identification and development of solar energy sites through the innovative application of GIS machine learning. A recent collaboration with a Colorado solar developer has resulted in discovering dozens of ideal solar energy sites that promise to transform the landscape of solar energy development.

Esri's deep learning model, featured in the recent Esri ArcUser article titled "Deep Learning Model Unlocks Potential of Solar Energy Development," showcases how Platte River leverages pre-built machine learning models to discover and optimize solar energy sites. This groundbreaking approach not only enhances the efficiency of renewable energy projects but also showcases the synergy between advanced analytics and environmental sustainability.
Let's delve into the details of how Platte River is harnessing the power of machine learning to uncover new opportunities in solar energy and pave the way for a cleaner, greener future. To read the full article written by Platte River, see the below link. If you have an upcoming solar or wind energy project, contact us today for GIS and mapping support.
